Antica Fattoria di Paterno explains and shows its spaces, so that future couples can get to know in depth the structure that will host them for their big day.

We had left each other at the Sala del Camino.
Following the route we arrive at the Tini d’Acciaio.

A corridor with an intimate and cosy atmosphere, lit by a series of floor lamps with red shades that cast a warm, soft light along the way.
The soft lighting and sophisticated design of the hallway provide an ideal background for wedding photos and an elegant reception for guests.
Take a step closer to your big day and contact us on +39 348 296 3473 or by email at

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Matrimoni e ricevimenti di eccellenza in ville, castelli, dimore storiche Consigliato da Zankyou Antica Fattoria Paterno, vincitore Wedding Awards 2024