“Paterno is located on one of the many hills that cover central Tuscany, where vineyards and olive groves predominate, but there is no shortage of wheat, sainfoin or sunflower fields, and even those covered with woods.

Here it was all sea and then islands sprang up that soon became hills and valleys, and this happened about ten million years ago, as evidenced by the fossil shells of oysters, pecten, turritella etc.

Then came the plants of species that have disappeared; only ferns and horsetails (horsetails) still thrive in the forests. Finally came the animals and lastly the men of course also the women!”

Venue @anticafattoriapaterno

Take a step closer to your big day and contact us on +39 348 296 3473 or by email at info@fattoriapaterno.it

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Matrimoni e ricevimenti di eccellenza in ville, castelli, dimore storiche Consigliato da Zankyou Antica Fattoria Paterno, vincitore Wedding Awards 2024 Matrimonio.com